Get the recommended viewing order for the Arrowverse series:
- Arrow
- The Flash
- Legends of Tomorrow
- Supergirl
- Vixen
- Freedom Fighters: The Ray
- Constantine
Complete with season and episode number, title, air date and synopsis.
App features:
- Get a list of all episodes in the order they should be watched
- Mark the episodes you have watched
- Read a synopsis for every episode
- Open series in Netflix app
- Choose which series to display
The Arrowverse is a media franchise and shared universe including various television series airing on The CW and web series airing on CW Seed, all based on characters appearing in publications by DC Comics. This app helps you to watch the different series in chronological order and to keep track of your progress.
This app can not be used for downloading or streaming movies and series. It provides structured information which may be enhanced by the user by ticking checkboxes.
- 箭头
- 闪光
- 明天的传说
- 超女
- 泼妇
- 自由战士:雷
- 康斯坦丁
- 按照应该观看的顺序获取所有剧集的列表
- 标记您观看过的剧集
- 阅读每集的概要
- 在Netflix应用程序中打开系列
- 选择要显示的系列
Arrowverse是一个媒体特许经营和共享的宇宙,包括播放CW的各种电视连续剧以及播放CW Seed的网络系列,所有这些都基于DC Comics出版物中出现的角色。这个应用程序可以帮助您按时间顺序观看不同的系列,并跟踪您的进度。